Word for the year - writing words on the wall - balance, courage, flow

Your Word For The Year (Choose It And Put It Into Action)

As the year draws to a close, there’s a natural pull to reflect, dream, and plan. For us artists, it’s also a chance to reimagine our art journeys, to think about how we want to grow as an artist. There’s a simple yet powerful way to set the tone for your year ahead. It all starts with one word. Just one. Every year, I choose a word for the year. 

Why choose a word for the year?

A Word for the Year acts as a guiding star—something to centre (and recentre!) your focus, energise your efforts, and keep you grounded when life (or your painting) feels a bit messy or off-track.

I like a serious session of planning – of looking back, looking forward, and making goals. The last thing is to choose a word for the year. 

How to Choose Your Word for the Year

Think of this as a playful-yet-introspective exercise. Here’s how to begin:

  1. Reflect on Your Year Take a moment to look back. What worked in your art-making and what didn’t? Did you feel stuck or stretched? What emotions or themes kept showing up—in your paintings and in life?
  2. Dream Forward Now, imagine the year ahead. How do you want to grow as an artist? Perhaps you’d like to paint with more boldness, dive into new techniques, or simply make sure you get in the studio regularly.
  3. Brainstorm Words Jot down words that come to mind as you dream. Words like flow, courage, light, balance, simplify, bold, or experiment might pop up. Don’t overthink it—let your intuition guide you. These should be words that excite you in your mind and body. If words/phrases appear that are more negative, for example “Don’t overwork!” maybe see if you can rephrase it more positively, for example, “Pause.” Maybe that’s not going to excite you though so keep going!
  4. Be open For the next few days, see what other words come to you. You’ve put the idea out there, now wait to see what happens. Add any words that come to your list.
  5. Let It Settle Then sit with your list. Notice which word feels the most magnetic. The right word will resonate deeply, as if it’s been waiting for you all along. You will know when it feels right.

Putting Your Word Into Action

Choosing the word is just the beginning. Now comes the fun part—infusing it into your art practice! Here are a few ways to keep your word front and centre

  • In the Studio: Write your word somewhere visible—on your easel, in your sketchbook(on the cover!), or even on your studio wall. Let it remind you of your intentions every time you step into your studio and start a piece.
  • Creative Prompts: Use your word to inspire a painting or even a whole series. For example, if your word is light, explore how light interacts with colour, shadow, and mood. Maybe think about what being light feels like.
  • Daily Practice: Let your word shape how you approach your day. If your word is courage, challenge yourself to try something new, whether it’s a bold stroke or an unfamiliar subject.
  • Reflection: At the end of each month, take a moment to revisit your word. How has your word for the year shown up in your art (and life)? What’s shifted? This monthly check-in is something I want to get better at!

My Word for the Year

This year, I’m leaning toward expansive as my word for the year — it’s a call to stretch my creative muscles and embrace new possibilities. I’ve not committed to it yet. I’m letting it settle AND I’m also open to another possibility.

What about you? Have you chosen a word for the year yet? Or maybe this is your first time trying it out. Either way, I’d love to hear what you’re thinking. Share your word in the comments below and why you’ve chosen it. You can also share it on social media and tag me @howtopastelwithgail.

Here’s to a year filled with new ideas and new possibilities. Let’s make it extraordinary!

Until next time,

~ Gail

PS. You may also enjoy this blog post.

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14 thoughts on “Your Word For The Year (Choose It And Put It Into Action)”

  1. I’ve chosen “devotion”, as I continue on my pastel journey. To devote myself to what moves me – farm animals, wildlife & birds; to devote myself to the speed at which I like to work – which is SLOW; to devote myself to growing in knowledge and detail – as I paint the beauty of God’s creation.

    I shall remain devoted to my small niche – no chasing after bigger, better, faster or the latest. My pastel journey is my own, and I shall devote myself to it! I enjoy all your blog musings. Happy Christmas and all the best in the coming year!

    1. Ohhh Lori -reading your comment gave me goosebumps! I can feel the level of devotion you are bringing to your work.
      Your pastel journey is certainly your own and you sound like you are ready to run with it!!

  2. My word is EMBRACE. Life sent me lots of health/physical challenges this last year, with ongoing ripples in every sphere of my life. Embrace means to welcome what comes with open arms, the ups and downs, with grace. Same in the art journey: embrace the drive, the doubts, the inspiration, the discoveries and see where it will lead me.

  3. My word for this year is INTUITION.
    I’d like to be able to hear it and then let myself to follow it. My aim is to stop pondering “this or that way ?”.

  4. As I went through my list the words Authenticity and Dynamic kept intriguing me. So I researched those two words together and this is what came up:
    Authenticity provides the foundation, and dynamism brings the momentum. Together, they create a powerful framework for impactful and meaningful progress.

    So I think my word for the year (at least at this moment in time) is Authenticity: I would like to create authentic paintings: this requires me to blend my personal expression while connecting to my inner voice.

    It seems like a very lofty goal. Hmmmm LOLOLOL

    1. Hey Abby, thanks so much for sharing your process of coming down to one word for the year – authenticity. You can do it! Put it and your intention on a paper somewhere where you can see it every day. And don’t forget to move it around once in awhile so you don’t become blind to it!

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Gail Sibley

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