Painting summer greens in soft pastels: Gail Sibley, "Metchosin Woods," Unison pastels on UART 400, 12 x 9 in (photo with iPhone)


@ How to Pastel

This is a selection of things I love and want to share with you. I hope you enjoy looking around and if you have any suggestions for me to check out, let me know!

My Artwork

Click below to visit my professional artist website to see my artwork or visit the Peninsula Gallery in Sidney BC, Canada in person or online.

My Online Courses

I’m your guide from start to finish when painting with pastels. My online courses are simple to use and easy to access on your computer, tablet, or your phone. It’s the perfect tool to help you along the way to creating art at the next level.

Pastels 101

Master the skills it takes to develop your ability as an artist in soft pastel whether you’re an absolute beginner or have worked in pastels for some time.

$ 297 USD

Pastel Painting En Plein Air

There’s nothing quite like painting on location! JOIN ME as I take you step-by-step through the ins and outs of painting in pastel en plein air.

$ 97 USD

Mini Masterclass on
Playing with Colour

$29 USD

Mini Masterclass on
Colour Temperature

$29 USD

Unison Colour - Handmade soft pastel Gail Sibley set

A vibrant selection of colours put together by Associate Artist Gail Sibley, designed for painting a wide variety of subjects. See Gail’s story behind this set,

I was so excited to contribute a significant amount of content to the pastel section of this project. I highly recommend this book. Its simple and elegant content makes it a great resource for any artist.

DK Artist's Drawing Techniques 

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Online Courses

Pastels 101

Use this link if you bought the course AFTER Sept 2022

Use this link if you bought the course BEFORE Sept 2022

Pastel Painting En Plein Air

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