Saturday past I was set up at Peninsula Gallery, in Sidney, BC for an ‘art encounter.’ From 1-4pm I worked on a still life set up in front of me. It was fun and although it wasn’t busy (the good part of that was that I got to get some work done!), I had some ardent admirers. 🙂 There was one woman who sat and watched me almost through the whole process. Now that was commitment!
Basically I worked the entire three hours and at the end, I came out with a painting of a still life that I’m pleased with. Peninsula Gallery’s manager Vivian liked it so much, she kept it for exhibiting in the gallery. Yay!!
Luckily I remembered to take a few photos as I worked. Have a look…

Gail Sibley, “The Yellow Plate,” Schminke pastel on Wallis Belgian Mist paper, 9 x 12 in

A limited palette really challenges you to work with values and broaden your colour range. It can get frustrating at times for sure but it’s also a great way to push yourself out of any comfort zone you might be in! Try it and let me know what happens.

Well that’s it for me until next time. I’d looooove to hear from you!
Keep pastelling 🙂
~ Gail
6 thoughts on “Still Life Demo at Peninsula Gallery”
Wow! Love the painting and the way you turned that bright limited palette into a harmony that sings. Gorgeous painting.
Thank you Robert!
Lovely pastel! Thanks for the step by step – always learn watching you paint with limited color choices. it’s one thing limiting yourself in the privacy of your studio but amazing doing it in front of an audience. Kudos Gail!
Gailen Lovett
Thanks so much Gailen. I find the more I work in front of people the easier it gets. Also, if I am just demoing for people coming and going rather than in a class or at a presentation then I find I can more easily get into the zone and get work done! Still, it’s a lot slower process but maybe all for the good 🙂
Love the post and painting! Since you asked: here is a blog post I wrote about a very similar thing, painting a still life with an extremely limited palette. I taught a 3 hour class doing this and actually found it very liberating and most of all FUN!!
Daggi glad you enjoyed the post and the painting. Thanks for sharing the link to your blog. I remember when you asked the question of other teachers how to go about teaching a three hour class. I’ll be using your idea in the future!