I recently uploaded another pastel painting video to YouTube. In it, I used a limited palette of eight Schminke soft pastels on Wallis paper. Here’s the finished piece:

And here’s the video showing the process start to finish – just click on the image:

Here are a couple of other images. First the quick black and white thumbnail sketch I did initially to understand the subject and values:

Here’s the set-up. I work from life and by doing so can see so much more colour and many more value shifts than are available in a photo but at least it gives you a sense of the subject.

Just for fun, let’s compare the photo in black and white with the finished pastel painting shown below in black and white.

I can see where I could have deepened the values but when I look at the colour version of the pastel painting, I’m happy with the way it turned out. That’s artistic license in action!
I would really love to hear your comments on the video. Was what I had to say useful? Is there something you’d like me to talk about in future videos? Please help me to help you! Please comment on the blog post or after the YouTube video.
Thanks for reading and watching 🙂
Pastel on!!